【产品详情】新能源甲醇汽车动力系统测试 泵喷油器实验设备
新能源甲醇汽车动力系统测试 泵喷油器实验设备High pressure common rail integrated test bench equipment comes with standard test data of various electric fuel injection pump injector (more than 3500 kinds). The system test bench simulates ECU to output fuel injection control signal, and drives common rail high pressure common rail oil pump and high pressure common rail injector and electronic control unit pump medium pressure common rail (EUI HEUI) to work together. In order to achieve the testing purpose of high pressure common rail oil pump and common rail injector and single pump pump nozzle. Piezoelectric high pressure common rail injectors can also be tested
Can test BOSCH CP1,CP1-H,CPI-K,CP2,CP3,DELPHI,HPO,HP3 BOSCH, SIEMENS,DELPHI, Carter 320D pump oil driven pump DENSO and other high pressure common rail injection pump and EUI EUP and other electronic control unit pump nozzle and HEUI medium pressure common rail oil pump injector, such as C7C9 C-9 C13, etc.
Common rail system can be tested with BOSCH,(BOSCH),DELPHI,(DELPHI),SIEMENS,DENSO and piezo-crystal Euro IV standard high pressure common rail injector.
01, 19" LCD display, industrial computer main board, all computer control
02, multi-section voltage output automatic control, to meet the driving requirements of different common rail injector
03, LCD liquid crystal display high pressure common rail injector injection frequency, driving pulse width automatic control
04, automatic control to test the flow control valve of the injection pump, control the flow of the injection pump to test
05, automatic realization of oil rail pressure, high precision up to ±1MPa
06, open loop or closed loop control mode manual optional
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