This series test bench adopt high quality frequency conversing device. speed can be preset.15inch true color LCD display. Installed industrial embedded computer motherboard. Computer and digital meter display. Super-large digital tube display RPM, count, two sides button, convenient operation.computer and digital meter display RPM, oil temperature, advance angle,gears.
1. measurement of each cylinders delivery at various rotation speeds
2. checking of each cylinders injection time with static state
3. check of speed governors
4. checking of the electric magnetic valve of distributor pumps
5. checking performance of the pneumatic speed governors
6. checking of the pressure compensators
7. measurement of the reflux delivery of distributor pumps
8. measurement of the internal pressure of the distributor pumps body
9. gas membrane governor negative pressure performance
10. checking of the sealing of fuel injection pump body
1. operation position: computer and manual device
2. cylinder:45cc (two sets)
3. volume of oil tank:60L
4. temperature automatic control:40+/-2cel
5. test oil filtering unit:5u
6. DC supply:12v/24v
7. digital display: rotation speed, count, fuel quantity, advanced angle
8. machinery meter display: high-low fuel pressure, VE internal pressure, +/- air pressure
9. fuel supply pressure: low 0-0.6mpa, high 0-6mpa
10. VE1 pressure:0-0.16mpa, VE2 pressure :0-1.6mpa
11. supply air pressure: 0-0.3mpa,
12. RPM preset: 10 gears,0-4000rpm
13. power: 380v/50hz(on request)
14. Packing size: 2000*1000*1700mm
15. net weight:850kg
16. center height:125mm
17. flywheel inertia’s moment:0.8kg/m2
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